P. 307

   Selichot Tour and visit to the Western Wall of the Ulpan Eztion students
of groups seeking to join the Jewish people; and finally, a particularly disturbing trend is the increased number of antisemitic and anti-Zionist incidences almost everywhere in the world – a phenomenon that is currently permeating into the political center and political institutions as well.
All of these, make the task of ensuring the future of a unified Jewish people particularly complicated and difficult, especially now. In order to contend with the challenge, the Jewish Agency operates a unique strategy in a wide variety of fields of activity and with an annual budget of close to 400 million dollars per year. These strategies operate today in order to create a holistic response in different communities and in different areas in accordance with their unique characteristics. The scope of the Jewish Agency’s activity positions it as the largest nonprofit organization in the Jewish World, and it maintains a global infrastructure comprised of a fixed organizational representation and designated programs and interventions in hundreds of Jewish communities around the world and in Israel.
The efforts of the Jewish Agency currently focus upon three key areas that are involved in providing a complete response to the challenges of the times. The first area is encouraging Aliya and ensuring the safety of Jewish communities. Since its creation and until today, the Agency has taken care to ensure that every Jewish man and woman in the world can make their home in Israel, whether by aid in voluntary Aliya or by aid in an emergency Aliya. The work infrastructure the Agency has developed over the years is unparalleled in its sophistication,

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