P. 160

  Ben-Gurion and "Haganah" fighters at a Passover Seder in an army camp in Jerusalem.
On Tuesday January 6, 1948, Ben-Gurion went up to Jerusalem again. The journey in the convoy passed without any special incidents. Throughout that entire day, he met in his Jerusalem office with dozens of the building's employees and with people he specifically invited. At noon, he took a break and set out for a meeting with the High Commissioner. According to Ben-Gurion's report later on, in the meeting of the Agency Executive, this was an angry meeting for both sides. The Commissioner demanded that Ben-Gurion apologize for two "Haganah" actions, in Jerusalem and in Jaffa, in which there were many fatalities on the Arab side. Ben-Gurion refused and said that he came to discuss general issues. He complained that the Arabs can carry weapons openly while Jews are arrested if they are seen with weapons, despite the Commissioner's promise. The Commissioner's reply: "It is possible the order has not reached every place." Ben-Gurion told the Commissioner about his journeys on the road to Jerusalem and the repeated Arab attacks, despite the fact that Jew are not attacking Arabs on this road. He emphasized the importance of self-defense of the Jewish forces, and did not conceal his opinion that if the British intervene against them, these forces will not hesitate to open fire upon them as well. Ben-Gurion noted that the Commissioner was "stiff" at the beginning of the conversation, but that he softened during the conversation.

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