Page 52 - big friday
P. 52
The newly appointed Minister of Commerce and Industry, Peretz
Bernstein, signs the Declaration

fuel in their tanks. But the director of the refineries answered a firm, British 'no',
adding: "The moment you declare your state, war activities will break out immediately
in Haifa, too."

T‫ ‏‬hat was the sentence that echoed in Mr. Bernstein's head as he added his signature
to the Scroll.

‫"‏‬What did I do that evening after the historic signing?" Mr. Bernstein repeats
my question, smiling. "Well, the answer is very simple," answers the man who was
chairman of the General Zionists Party at the time, and remains in that position to
this day. "I simply don't remember, but I'm sure that I went home to spend time with
the family."

‫‏‬And the next day? The next day the provisional Minister of Trade and Industry
was already immersed in hectic planning of the distribution of food and of raw
materials to the industry, with no more time to think about the historical moment of
the signing.

50 The Friday That Changed Destiny‫‏‬
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