Page 7 - big friday
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Table of Contents
7 P reface
9 C hapter 1 A State is Born
O fficial Gazette of the Provisional State Council * David Ben-Gurion's war diary on the day of the establishment
of the state - War Diary, 5708-5709, eds: Gershon Rivlin and Elhanan Oren * Dr. Chaim Weizmann writes to
Ben-Gurion from New York, on the day of the establishment of the state * B en-Gurion's Day, in Ben-Gurion, by
Michael Bar-Zohar * The Big Day – in Now or Never (Akhshav o leolam lo), eds. Meir Avizohar and Avi Bareli * T he
Hagana leadership at the declaration ceremony – in On the Road to the IDF (BaDerekh leTzahal), by Yosef Avidar
* Behind the Scenes - Pinchas Jurman, Devar haShavu'a, 17.4.1953 * T he 37 Signatories – brief biographies,
with photographs * A Felicitous Signing – memories carried by the signatories (sources: Maariv, April 23, 1958;
BeMahaneh Nahal, May 1965) * Declaration of the state – coverage in three newspapers (Haaretz, Davar, HaBoker)
from May 16, 1948 * "Long Friday" – the Jewish population in the Land of Israel on the day of the establishment of
the state, by Rimona Dinur * The first broadcast of Kol Yisrael (Voice of Israel), in Voice of Israel from Jerusalem (Kol
Yisrael miYerushalayim), by Izi Mann * T he bunker from which Kol Yisrael's first broadcast emanated, is discovered,
XNET website, 20.6.2013 * Letter to a one-and-a-quarter-year old son, on the day of the establishment of the state
– Zvi Segal
109 Chapter 2 The Same Day, in...
In the battles on the road to Jerusalem – Yitzhak Rabin, Service Log (Pinkas Sherut) * In the besieged Jerusalem
– Yeshurun Keshet, In Besieged Jerusalem (Bi-Yerushalayim haNetzura) * The tenth signatory was trapped in
Jerusalem – the story of Eliyahu Dobkin * "On the day the state was born – from Gush Etzion to Hebron", Uriel
Ofek writes about the last day of Gush Etzion, Avraham Trainin and Uriel Ofek, Ma'oz Etzion – Lohamim baTayil.
* Independence Ceremony in Haifa – Al ha-Mishmar, May 16, 1948 * "A State is Born" – in Up on the Tower (Lema'ala
al haMigdal), by Mordecai Naor * What were you doing between 3pm and 5pm on that historical Friday? A collection
of memories, in The Two Hours that Made History (HaSha'atayim sheAsu Historia), Galei Zahal (Israel Army radio),
May 4, 1973 * "Final hours at the energy plant in Naharayim", in Dams Erupting (Sekharim baPeretz), Zeev Kachal
137 Chapter 3 Before the Declaration
"At Ben-Gurion's headquarters in Tel Aviv", Davar, May 24, 1958 * "fateful Wednesday", by Mordecai Naor, Haaretz,
May 2, 2006* "We have to move forward" - Moshe Shertock's address to the Mapai Central Committee, May 11,
1948, from his book Davar Davur, 2013 * A visit to Tel Aviv and Jaffa during the last week of foreign rule – I. P. Stone,
Al haMishmar, May 14, 1948 * "The British are Leaving", in Three Days (Shelosha Yamim), by Zeev Sharef, 1959
165 C hapter 4 After the Declaration
"The Invasion Begins", in From Both Sides of the Hill (MiShenei Evrei haGiv'a), by John and David Kimche, 1973
* “We will be worthy of the great hour” - Speech by D. Ben-Gurion, Head of the Provisional Government, on Kol
Yisrael (Voice of Israel), Saturday night, May 15, 1948 * “On to Battle. Forward to Victory.” – Speech by Menachem
Begin on the Etzel radio station on Saturday night, May 15, 1948, as recorded in his autobiography, The Revolt
(HaMered) * First weekend of independence, by Mordecai Naor. "Autoemancipation" – Hillel Danzig from the Ha-
Poel ha-Tza'ir weekly, vol. 36, May 19, 1948
A State is Born 5
7 P reface
9 C hapter 1 A State is Born
O fficial Gazette of the Provisional State Council * David Ben-Gurion's war diary on the day of the establishment
of the state - War Diary, 5708-5709, eds: Gershon Rivlin and Elhanan Oren * Dr. Chaim Weizmann writes to
Ben-Gurion from New York, on the day of the establishment of the state * B en-Gurion's Day, in Ben-Gurion, by
Michael Bar-Zohar * The Big Day – in Now or Never (Akhshav o leolam lo), eds. Meir Avizohar and Avi Bareli * T he
Hagana leadership at the declaration ceremony – in On the Road to the IDF (BaDerekh leTzahal), by Yosef Avidar
* Behind the Scenes - Pinchas Jurman, Devar haShavu'a, 17.4.1953 * T he 37 Signatories – brief biographies,
with photographs * A Felicitous Signing – memories carried by the signatories (sources: Maariv, April 23, 1958;
BeMahaneh Nahal, May 1965) * Declaration of the state – coverage in three newspapers (Haaretz, Davar, HaBoker)
from May 16, 1948 * "Long Friday" – the Jewish population in the Land of Israel on the day of the establishment of
the state, by Rimona Dinur * The first broadcast of Kol Yisrael (Voice of Israel), in Voice of Israel from Jerusalem (Kol
Yisrael miYerushalayim), by Izi Mann * T he bunker from which Kol Yisrael's first broadcast emanated, is discovered,
XNET website, 20.6.2013 * Letter to a one-and-a-quarter-year old son, on the day of the establishment of the state
– Zvi Segal
109 Chapter 2 The Same Day, in...
In the battles on the road to Jerusalem – Yitzhak Rabin, Service Log (Pinkas Sherut) * In the besieged Jerusalem
– Yeshurun Keshet, In Besieged Jerusalem (Bi-Yerushalayim haNetzura) * The tenth signatory was trapped in
Jerusalem – the story of Eliyahu Dobkin * "On the day the state was born – from Gush Etzion to Hebron", Uriel
Ofek writes about the last day of Gush Etzion, Avraham Trainin and Uriel Ofek, Ma'oz Etzion – Lohamim baTayil.
* Independence Ceremony in Haifa – Al ha-Mishmar, May 16, 1948 * "A State is Born" – in Up on the Tower (Lema'ala
al haMigdal), by Mordecai Naor * What were you doing between 3pm and 5pm on that historical Friday? A collection
of memories, in The Two Hours that Made History (HaSha'atayim sheAsu Historia), Galei Zahal (Israel Army radio),
May 4, 1973 * "Final hours at the energy plant in Naharayim", in Dams Erupting (Sekharim baPeretz), Zeev Kachal
137 Chapter 3 Before the Declaration
"At Ben-Gurion's headquarters in Tel Aviv", Davar, May 24, 1958 * "fateful Wednesday", by Mordecai Naor, Haaretz,
May 2, 2006* "We have to move forward" - Moshe Shertock's address to the Mapai Central Committee, May 11,
1948, from his book Davar Davur, 2013 * A visit to Tel Aviv and Jaffa during the last week of foreign rule – I. P. Stone,
Al haMishmar, May 14, 1948 * "The British are Leaving", in Three Days (Shelosha Yamim), by Zeev Sharef, 1959
165 C hapter 4 After the Declaration
"The Invasion Begins", in From Both Sides of the Hill (MiShenei Evrei haGiv'a), by John and David Kimche, 1973
* “We will be worthy of the great hour” - Speech by D. Ben-Gurion, Head of the Provisional Government, on Kol
Yisrael (Voice of Israel), Saturday night, May 15, 1948 * “On to Battle. Forward to Victory.” – Speech by Menachem
Begin on the Etzel radio station on Saturday night, May 15, 1948, as recorded in his autobiography, The Revolt
(HaMered) * First weekend of independence, by Mordecai Naor. "Autoemancipation" – Hillel Danzig from the Ha-
Poel ha-Tza'ir weekly, vol. 36, May 19, 1948
A State is Born 5