Page 267 - big friday
P. 267
Media (greatly) in favor
T he Jewish media – at the time almost all written and printed – was beside itself with
excitement over the period of May 14-17, 1948. Several references to and excerpts from
the Jewish press in Eretz Yisrael have appeared in this volume. We now turn our attention
to some excerpts from the Jewish media internationally, especially – but not exclusively –
in the free world.
The Yiddish newspapers in the US carried huge headlines. Below is the front page of
the New York Der Tog (The Day) of Saturday night, May 15, 1948:
The main headline fairly screams, “A Jewish State”, the sub-heading reads, “is declared;
named – Israel”. A smaller headline provides news information: “Jewish army has seized
control of the Arab port of Acre.”
T he main headline of the Yiddish New York newspaper Farverts (Forwards) read,
“America recognizes the Jewish State ‘Israel’.” The subhead reads, “Arab League at war
with the Jews. Hagana winning in Jerusalem.” The Yiddish daily Der Morgen Journal,
likewise published in New York, declares, “Israel repulsing its attackers,” with the sub-
heading continuing in the same vein: “Demands UN sanctions against the Arabs.”
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, appearing in Montreal, showed an Israeli flag on
its front page, with the inscription, “An ancient state is reborn.” In England, the Jewish
Chronicle sufficed with a small article, with the headline, “Israel once again a nation.”
Endlessly Recounted 265
T he Jewish media – at the time almost all written and printed – was beside itself with
excitement over the period of May 14-17, 1948. Several references to and excerpts from
the Jewish press in Eretz Yisrael have appeared in this volume. We now turn our attention
to some excerpts from the Jewish media internationally, especially – but not exclusively –
in the free world.
The Yiddish newspapers in the US carried huge headlines. Below is the front page of
the New York Der Tog (The Day) of Saturday night, May 15, 1948:
The main headline fairly screams, “A Jewish State”, the sub-heading reads, “is declared;
named – Israel”. A smaller headline provides news information: “Jewish army has seized
control of the Arab port of Acre.”
T he main headline of the Yiddish New York newspaper Farverts (Forwards) read,
“America recognizes the Jewish State ‘Israel’.” The subhead reads, “Arab League at war
with the Jews. Hagana winning in Jerusalem.” The Yiddish daily Der Morgen Journal,
likewise published in New York, declares, “Israel repulsing its attackers,” with the sub-
heading continuing in the same vein: “Demands UN sanctions against the Arabs.”
The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, appearing in Montreal, showed an Israeli flag on
its front page, with the inscription, “An ancient state is reborn.” In England, the Jewish
Chronicle sufficed with a small article, with the headline, “Israel once again a nation.”
Endlessly Recounted 265