Page 76 - big friday
P. 76
the ’Rock of Israel,' we affix our signatures to this proclamation at this session of the
Provisional State Council, on the soil of the homeland, in the city of Tel-Aviv, on this
Sabbath eve, the 5th day of Iyar, 5708; May 14,1948," he turned to all those gathered:

‫"‏‬Let us stand to receive the Founding Charter of the Jewish state."
T‫ ‏‬he attendees rose to their feet and stood for a moment in silence, which was then
broken with prolonged applause.
‫‏‬When the applause died down, Mr. Ben-Gurion said: "All members of the Provisional
State Council may convey memoranda with regard to the Founding Charter at the session
of Sunday evening."

'‫‏‬Shehehiyanu' with God's Name
B‫ ‏‬lessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has kept us alive and sustained
us and brought us to this time," came the voice of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Fishman, a member
of the government, trembling with emotion and tears. As he finished the 'Shehehiyanu'
blessing, several people in the hall could be seen wiping away tears of emotion. Many
turned to one another, wishing each other 'mazal tov'.
‫‏‬Then Mr. Ben-Gurion issued another brief announcement: "All members of the State
Council who were not able to gather here for the declaration ceremony, notified us that
they join us in unanimous support of this Declaration."

‫‏‬The ‫‏‬Manifesto
T‫ ‏‬he first public act of the Provisional Government and the Provisional State Council
was the Official Gazette nullifying the White Paper of 1939 and all its provisions, including
retroactive repudiation of the Lands Law. "The decree of strangulation has been nullified
forever," commented one of the members of the cabinet, when Mr. D. Ben-Gurion read
out these resolutions.
U‫ ‏‬pon hearing of the nullification of the White Paper and the Lands Law, the entire hall
cheered, full of emotion at this most meaningful act that had been effected in Israel. The
decrees of the foreign Mandatory regime over the Jewish population had ceased to exist.

‫‏‬The signing
‫‏‬The Prime Minister asked the members of the Provisional State Council to sign the
Scroll of the declaration. Secretary of the State Council, Mr. Z. Sharef, called the members
of the Council one by one, in alphabetical order, to ascend the dais and to sign the Scroll.

74 The Friday That Changed Destiny‫‏‬
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