Page 211 - big friday
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rael; Mivrak – Lehi; Kol HaAm – Communists; Yediot Aharonot –
private; Maariv – private; Palestine Post (English) – Jewish Agency; Yediot
Hadashot (German) – private; HaYom- Jerusalemite daily, affiliated with
the Jewish Agency.
H aAretz, May 14, 1948
5th Iyar 5708
T oday was the beginning of the world for Israel. Today will be the end of an era, and
the start of a new one. Today marks the end of the British Mandate over Palestine: the
Mandate upon which, a quarter of a century ago, the Jewish People pinned tremendous
hopes, almost messianic hopes, and which has become, over the years, the symbol of great
moral failure. The White Paper has expired…
It is a great day, but the hour is a critical one. May we all display strength of spirit, readiness
for sacrifice, inner stability amongst the turbulence around us, loyalty in carrying out
our roles, and the spirit of Israelite fraternity, in the merit of which we might reach our
D avar, May 14, 1948
Today's news
T he end of the British Mandate is today. Tonight its termination will be announced. A
British military presence will remain in the country. There will still be considerable British
influence on our surroundings. But British rule is over. The British government is now
relieved of the role assigned to it by all the nations - assigned but not fulfilled. This is the
last day of foreign rule over the country…
With the support of the entire Jewish People throughout the Diaspora, the Yishuv marches
today to meet the challenges of its independence. It is accompanied by the longings of
all generations of our nation and the hopes of all the afflicted of our generation. And the
valor of the defenders of Israel paves the way before it.
H aBoker, May 14, 1948
A great and auspicious date will be established today on the Jewish calendar: the day of the
proclamation of Jewish independence. After an interlude of nearly two thousand years,
we are too close to the events to be able to appreciate properly the historical event that
will take place today, when word goes out to the wide world and to the Hebrew nation in
all its dispersion that the state of the Hebrews has been resurrected. The messianic era, as
depicted in the imagination of the generations, is drawing closer, along with the difficult
battle that it entails and the redemption to which it leads.
Other Perspectives 209
private; Maariv – private; Palestine Post (English) – Jewish Agency; Yediot
Hadashot (German) – private; HaYom- Jerusalemite daily, affiliated with
the Jewish Agency.
H aAretz, May 14, 1948
5th Iyar 5708
T oday was the beginning of the world for Israel. Today will be the end of an era, and
the start of a new one. Today marks the end of the British Mandate over Palestine: the
Mandate upon which, a quarter of a century ago, the Jewish People pinned tremendous
hopes, almost messianic hopes, and which has become, over the years, the symbol of great
moral failure. The White Paper has expired…
It is a great day, but the hour is a critical one. May we all display strength of spirit, readiness
for sacrifice, inner stability amongst the turbulence around us, loyalty in carrying out
our roles, and the spirit of Israelite fraternity, in the merit of which we might reach our
D avar, May 14, 1948
Today's news
T he end of the British Mandate is today. Tonight its termination will be announced. A
British military presence will remain in the country. There will still be considerable British
influence on our surroundings. But British rule is over. The British government is now
relieved of the role assigned to it by all the nations - assigned but not fulfilled. This is the
last day of foreign rule over the country…
With the support of the entire Jewish People throughout the Diaspora, the Yishuv marches
today to meet the challenges of its independence. It is accompanied by the longings of
all generations of our nation and the hopes of all the afflicted of our generation. And the
valor of the defenders of Israel paves the way before it.
H aBoker, May 14, 1948
A great and auspicious date will be established today on the Jewish calendar: the day of the
proclamation of Jewish independence. After an interlude of nearly two thousand years,
we are too close to the events to be able to appreciate properly the historical event that
will take place today, when word goes out to the wide world and to the Hebrew nation in
all its dispersion that the state of the Hebrews has been resurrected. The messianic era, as
depicted in the imagination of the generations, is drawing closer, along with the difficult
battle that it entails and the redemption to which it leads.
Other Perspectives 209