Page 41 - big friday
P. 41
M eir David Loewenstein
(44). Born in Denmark. His father was the Chief Rabbi of Zurich.
Completed his studies at the School of Commerce in Zurich
and received rabbinical ordination from a religious academy in
Amsterdam. Led the Tze'irei Agudat Yisrael in Europe. Immigrated
in 1934. Member of the Provisional State Council and of the 1st
Knesset. Established the Israel-Switzerland Commerce Bureau and was involved in
commerce and import of machinery. Died in 1995.
Zvi Luria
(42). Born in Poland; active from his youth in HaShomer HaTza'ir.
Immigrated in 1925 and helped found Kibbutz Ein Shemer.
Dispatched as an emissary to Eastern Europe, and served as
secretary of the HaShomer HaTza'ir World Executive. During the
1940s he was head of the information department of the Jewish
National Council. Member of the Provisional State Council.
Responsible for the Kol Yisrael (Voice of Israel) radio broadcast of the ceremony
of the declaration of independence. After the establishment of the state he was a
member of the Jewish Agency executive in New York and in Jerusalem. Died in 1968.
G olda Meyerson
(50). Hebrew family name: Meir. Born in Ukraine, emigrated with
her family to the US at the age of 8. From an early age she was active
in Po'alei Tzion. Immigrated in 1921 and joined Kibbutz Merhavia.
Some years later she moved to Tel Aviv and became a prominent
activist in the institutions of the Histadrut (Labor Federation) and
Mapai. Among the heads of the political department of the Jewish
Agency. Member of the Provisional State Council. Israel's first envoy to the Soviet
Union. Minister of Labor in the first elected government. During the years 1956-1966
served as Foreign Minister. Prime Minister of Israel from 1969 until 1974. Died in 1980.
Nahum Nir-Rafalkes
(64). Born in Poland. Held a doctorate in law and was among the
leaders of the Po'alei Tzion movement in Europe. Immigrated in 1925,
worked as a lawyer and was a prominent activist in Po'alei Tzion Smol
(Left). Represented his party in the Histadrut (Labor Federation)
and on the Jewish National Council. Member of the Provisional State
Council. Member of the 1st and 3rd- 5th Knesset. Chairman of the
Knesset for a brief period during 1959. Died in 1968.
A State is Born 39
(44). Born in Denmark. His father was the Chief Rabbi of Zurich.
Completed his studies at the School of Commerce in Zurich
and received rabbinical ordination from a religious academy in
Amsterdam. Led the Tze'irei Agudat Yisrael in Europe. Immigrated
in 1934. Member of the Provisional State Council and of the 1st
Knesset. Established the Israel-Switzerland Commerce Bureau and was involved in
commerce and import of machinery. Died in 1995.
Zvi Luria
(42). Born in Poland; active from his youth in HaShomer HaTza'ir.
Immigrated in 1925 and helped found Kibbutz Ein Shemer.
Dispatched as an emissary to Eastern Europe, and served as
secretary of the HaShomer HaTza'ir World Executive. During the
1940s he was head of the information department of the Jewish
National Council. Member of the Provisional State Council.
Responsible for the Kol Yisrael (Voice of Israel) radio broadcast of the ceremony
of the declaration of independence. After the establishment of the state he was a
member of the Jewish Agency executive in New York and in Jerusalem. Died in 1968.
G olda Meyerson
(50). Hebrew family name: Meir. Born in Ukraine, emigrated with
her family to the US at the age of 8. From an early age she was active
in Po'alei Tzion. Immigrated in 1921 and joined Kibbutz Merhavia.
Some years later she moved to Tel Aviv and became a prominent
activist in the institutions of the Histadrut (Labor Federation) and
Mapai. Among the heads of the political department of the Jewish
Agency. Member of the Provisional State Council. Israel's first envoy to the Soviet
Union. Minister of Labor in the first elected government. During the years 1956-1966
served as Foreign Minister. Prime Minister of Israel from 1969 until 1974. Died in 1980.
Nahum Nir-Rafalkes
(64). Born in Poland. Held a doctorate in law and was among the
leaders of the Po'alei Tzion movement in Europe. Immigrated in 1925,
worked as a lawyer and was a prominent activist in Po'alei Tzion Smol
(Left). Represented his party in the Histadrut (Labor Federation)
and on the Jewish National Council. Member of the Provisional State
Council. Member of the 1st and 3rd- 5th Knesset. Chairman of the
Knesset for a brief period during 1959. Died in 1968.
A State is Born 39