Page 43 - big friday
P. 43
M‫ ‏‬oshe Kolodny

(37). H‫ ‏‬ebrew family name: Kol. Born in Poland. Among the leaders of
the HaOved HaTzioni movement, affiliated with the General Zionist
Federation. Immigrated in 1932. Assistant to Henrietta Szold at Youth
Aliya; following her death he served as Youth Aliya chairman for
many years. Member of the Provisional State Council. A founder of
the Progressive Party and its representative to the 2nd, and 4th-8th
Knesset (in the 5th Knesset as part of the Liberal Party list, and thereafter as representative
of the Independent Liberals). Minister of Development and Tourism during the years
1965-1977. Died in 1989.

‫‏‬Eliezer Kaplan

(57). A‫ ‏‬leader of the Workers' Movement and Mapai. Born in Belarus.
Immigrated in 1923 and was among the leaders of the HaPo'el HaTza'ir
Party, which in 1930 together with Ahdut HaAvoda established Mapai.
An engineer by training, during his early years in the country he
directed the technical department of the Tel Aviv municipality. From
1933 until the establishment of the state he was head of the finance
department and treasurer of the Jewish Agency. Minister of Finance in the Provisional
Government and in the first official government. Member of the 1st and 2nd Knesset.
Died in 1952.
‫‏‬Avraham Katznelson
(62). Hebrew family name: Nissan. Born in Belarus and active from
his youth in the Labor movement. Completed his medical studies and
served as a military doctor on the Russian Front during the First World
War. Immigrated in 1924. A Mapai activist from the founding of the
party in 1930. Director of the health department of the Jewish National
Council during the 1930s and ‘40s. Member of the Provisional State
Council. In 1950 he joined the Israeli Foreign Service and was Israel's
envoy to Scandinavia. Died in 1956.

P‫ ‏‬inhas Rosenblüth

(61). H‫ ‏‬ebrew family name: Rosen. Born in Germany. A lawyer and
among the founders of the "Tekhelet-Lavan" (Blue-White) Zionist
youth movement and chairman of the Zionist Federation in Germany.
Immigrated in 1931 and opened a law firm while continuing his public
activities. During the Second World War he founded and led the Aliya
Hadasha Party, representing it as a member of the Provisional State
Council and as Minister of Justice in the provisional government.
Member of the 1st-6th Knesset for the Progressive Party, the Liberal Party, and the
Independent Liberals. Minister of Justice from 1949 to 1961. Died in 1978.

A State is Born‫ ‏‬41
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